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Install Php Curl Extension Centos 7

  1. Install Php Curl Extension Centos 7 Disable Firewall
  2. Php Curl Extension Download
  3. Install Php Curl Extension Centos 7 Download
  4. Php Curl Extension Ubuntu

How do I install curl in php5? Ask Question. Cd /etc/php5/apache2/ sudo nano php.ini add this command: extension=curl.so. The last thing restart apache.

Active4 years, 8 months ago

I am using laravel framework. laravel project running requirement is MCrypt. i m trying to install but i m facing error

HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 404 Not Found2014-09-18 13:25:27 ERROR 404: Not Found.

yum install php-mcrypt

Loaded plugins: fastestmirror

Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile

  • base: centos.someimage.com

  • extras: mirrors.mit.edu

  • updates: mirror.lug.udel.edu

No package php-mcrypt available.

Error: Nothing to do

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3 Answers

Christian Giupponi
4,9736 gold badges48 silver badges91 bronze badges

You may need to install EPEL repository.

Then try to install mcrypt extension

Open terminal as root (su)

wget http://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/beta/7/x86_64/epel-release-7-0.2.noarch.rpm

rpm -ivh epel-release-7-0.2.noarch.rpm

yum update

yum install php-mcrypt*

Maciej AsemblerMaciej Asembler
Christian GiupponiInstall Php Curl Extension Centos 7Curl
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3353 gold badges8 silver badges20 bronze badges

Not the answer you're looking for? Browse other questions tagged phplaravel-4mcryptcentos7 or ask your own question.

Active3 months ago

I've installed PHP 7 using this repo, but when I try to run composer install, it's giving this error:

  • [package] requires ext-curl * -> the requested PHP extension curl is missing from your system.

With PHP 5, you can easily install it by running the yum or apt-get install php5-curl command, but I can't find how to install the PHP 7 equivalent.

How do I install ext-curl for PHP 7?

Install Php Curl Extension Centos 7 Disable Firewall

Stephan Vierkant
Stephan VierkantStephan Vierkant
4,7124 gold badges33 silver badges70 bronze badges

10 Answers

Well I was able to install it by :

on my system. This will install a dependency package, which depends on the default php version.

After that restart apache

1,3871 gold badge14 silver badges28 bronze badges
Sabeeh ChaudhrySabeeh Chaudhry
4,2161 gold badge12 silver badges7 bronze badges

If 'sudo apt-get install php-curl' command doesnt work and display error We should run this code before install curl.

  • step1 - sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ondrej/php
  • step2 - sudo apt-get update
  • step3 - sudo apt-get install php-curl
  • step4 - sudo service apache2 restart
Bijaya Kumar OliBijaya Kumar Oli

I tried the above solutions but it didn't work for me, just incase there any other person in the same shoes, this is what I did.I updated apt-get with the following command

this i installed with php curl for the version of php that i was using, mine was

Excellent LawrenceExcellent Lawrence

We can install any PHP7 Extensions which we are needed at the time of install Magento just use related command which you get error at the time of installin Magento

Thanks! Hope this will help you

Narendra SolankiNarendra Solanki

If you are using PHP7.1 ( try php -version to find your PHP version)

then restart apache

1,0961 gold badge17 silver badges30 bronze badges

install php70w-common.

Php Curl Extension Download

It provides php-api, php-bz2, php-calendar, php-ctype, php-curl, php-date, php-exif, php-fileinfo, php-filter, php-ftp, php-gettext, php-gmp, php-hash, php-iconv, php-json, php-libxml, php-openssl, php-pcre, php-pecl-Fileinfo, php-pecl-phar, php-pecl-zip, php-reflection, php-session, php-shmop, php-simplexml, php-sockets, php-spl, php-tokenizer, php-zend-abi, php-zip, php-zlib.


Windows users:

Note: Note to Win32 Users In order to enable this module on a Windows environment, libeay32.dll and ssleay32.dll, or, as of OpenSSL 1.1 libcrypto-.dll and libssl-.dll, must be present in your PATH. Also libssh2.dll must be present in your PATH. You don't need libcurl.dll from the cURL site.

Add your C:wampbinphpphp7.1.15 to your PATH

Restart all services


I got an error that the CURL extension was missing whilst installing WebMail Lite 8 on WAMP (so on Windows).

After reading that libeay32.dll was required which was only present in some of the PHP installation folders (such as 7.1.26), I switched the PHP version in use from 7.2.14 to 7.1.26 in the WAMP PHP version menu, and the error went away.


Install Php Curl Extension Centos 7 Download

3,7352 gold badges26 silver badges30 bronze badges

Try it if you get E: Unable to locate package {packageName}

Liao San KaiLiao San Kai
6541 gold badge10 silver badges15 bronze badges

Php Curl Extension Ubuntu

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