Jan 11, 2010 Simple printer driver install by VBScript. Scripting > The Official Scripting Guys Forum!
I'm working on a script that needs to set up a Xerox Phaser printer using the postscript driver. The computers currently have the PCL driver on them (though the printers aren't set up on them yet.) I want to install the PS driver using the specified INF, and then install the printer using the driver provided after the INF is installed (so as not to accidentally use the PCL driver.) How can I accomplish this in VBScript?
Jordan MilneJordan Milne3 Answers
Here's an example on how to do that: VBScript Install Printer
Edit: For a local printer, make the following changes to the script
Install windows xp on hp proliant ml110 g4 server. Oct 30, 2007 I do not see Windows XP on the HP Proliant ML110 server Spec sheet for certified OS. Can I still use Windows XP Professional for OS on it (Proliant ML110.
And remove the oPort.HostAddress
Hp Install Network Printer Wizard
Jose BasilioJose BasilioYou may want to take a look at using the rundll32 InstallHinfSection Function. That is how I do it. It doesn't require you install any extra ActiveX component. There is a example for how to use it here: http://www.msfn.org/board/Silent-parameters-for-RunDll32-setupapi-t106711.html Basically its, %systemroot%system32rundll32.exe setupapi,InstallHinfSection DefaultInstall 132 C:drivers2100PCL 5ehp211ip5.inf
You may also want to take a look at the PrintUIEntry function, as this will allow you to add the printer if the drivers are already loaded on a system. See here fore further info: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/189105
mrTomahawkmrTomahawkInstall php curl extension centos 7. I always revert to the following links to install printers 'programatically'.
Douglas AndersonDouglas Anderson